Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Archive
An archive of material related to Rogue One A Star Wars Story

Design Exercise - eBooks
Sometimes I just need to be get creativity out of my system, there are only so many official publications I can produce before I have to...

Quark 9 - Quick Key Guide
​​It's been a good few years since I last used Quark for desktop publishing. In the early days of digital design it was the one and only...

Blogging a Blog on Blogger
I have ran and maintained a few Blogger Blogs on various subjects. Just as a place to keep and share content on subjects that interest...

Want to know where the number 42 appears in films? Well so did I, so I built a website to catalogue it's appearances......

Adobe InDesign Quick Start Guide
​​This is in no way an extensive guide, it's just a basic run down of the main features needed for desktop publishing within Adobe...